What is Microneedling with PRP?

Microneedling is a process which stimulates collagen production, essentially erasing fine lines and wrinkles from the face by creating new collagen (which gives skin elasticity). PRP is a plasma rich in platelets that is rich in growth factors and cytokines that promote healing. When combined, they result in noticeable improvement in texture and tone of the skin as well as reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and scars.

So how does the treatment work? The microneedling device contains tiny needles that create hundreds of tiny puncture wounds in the top layer of the skin. The plasma is then put into the injured skin to promote healing and production of new collagen.

To understand why microneedling works, we need to understand how the human skin heals itself. When we are injured, our skin repairs itself by producing collagen fibers to the wound and restore the skin's texture. When the injury is caused by wear and tear such as aging or sun damage, this repair process becomes less efficient and less complete, resulting in the formation of lines and wrinkles on the skin.

What are the benefits of a PRP facial?

Microneedling works to stimulate the production of collagen to repair the damage and restore your skin to its youthful state. In addition,  to PRP further enhance the healing power of the procedure by boosting the level of growth factors and cytokines in the treatment area and promoting cell turnover to help the skin look younger and more radiant.  Because PRP is taken from your own blood, there are likely to be fewer side effects than if you were to use a synthetic product.

When it comes to PRP facials, there's no end to the potential benefits; here are a few of the common uses: Smooths fines lines and wrinkles, Increases hydration, Clears acne and acne scars, Fades age spots, Lifts and tightens sagging skin, Stimulates collagen production, Reduces fine lines and deep wrinkles, Improves overall skin tone, and Rejuvenates skin cells, Reduce scaring from trauma or previous surgeries, It has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of hair loss.

  • Description text goes here
  • -Collagen comprises about 80% of your skin’s top layer and gives your skin its strength and youthful firmness

    -Elastin gives your skin stretch and bounce, helping it to recover from facial expressions without wrinkling

    -Growth factors help give skin a great tone and texture

    -Help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

    -Improvement of acne scars and discoloration

    -Reduced stretch marks

    -Skin rejuvenation for texture and complexion

    -Increased skin thickness

    -Reduces acne scars

    -Lightens hyperpigmentation and sunspots

    -Reduces the appearance of pores

    -Firms and smooths skin texture

    -Helps heal scars

    -Reduces broken capillaries and spider veins

    -Increases the production of new hair growth on the scalp

    -Brings back the glow for fresher, younger-looking skin

  • Microneedling can benefit anyone looking to improve their skin tone. It improves scars, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, or just lackluster skin. Because this is a minimally invasive procedure, it doesn’t cause significant wounding to the skin, and is not light-based, most people can safely undergo micro-needling therapy with minimal risk of long-term adverse effects. Typically, important factors such as age or skin color does not matter. Microneedling is not a one-time affair for many people. depending on your specific needs, our technicians can help you achieve a detailed plan for your desired appearance.

  • Just about anywhere on the body. Depending on what you are trying to treat, this can be discussed with your technician.